"The Breath of the Mountain" is an animated feature film in development. Produced by "La Sarraz Pictures" (www.lasarraz.com) and directed by Lorenzo Latrofa. “The Breath of the Mountain” is supported by MIBAC and Ibermedia development Funds.


"A broken Family and a magical journey to find one another"


“The Breath of the Mountain” is a coming-of-age story.
Aida is a thirteen 
years old girl who is living the journey from the youth to adult-life.

A journey discovering a new magical world which Aida belongs to. 
A journey trying to recover the relationship with her father.

A mountain village. 13-year-old Aida discovers a secret that makes her special: she can see things before they happen. Aida has recurring dreams of a huge PANTHER in a surreal, alien forest. The dream is frightening, but at the same time seems to be guiding her somehow.
Father and daughter have just moved into the new house after the death of Aida's mother. Marco, Aida's father, after the loss is stuck and lives in a bubble. Her father is a bearded and grumpy giant. A BEAR, who Aida tries to shake out of his torpor, sometimes arguing bitterly with him.
One day, on the way back from school, Aida and her father have a very heated discussion and Aida runs away. When she eventually returns home, she finds the house messed up and the father has disappeared.
After that moment Aida, following her dreams and with the help of  Giorgio, a school mate, will struggle to bring her father back home. Bring back not only physically but also emotionally.

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Download File: https://www.latestuggine.it/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Potere_td.mp4
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Download File: https://www.latestuggine.it/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/SOCIAL_Onirico.mp4

We are now looking for a co-producer.
For more information and get the whole project dossier:
Alessandro Borrelli



For booking & general inquiries

Via Laura Mantegazza, 24
00152 Roma


We collaborate with talented artists and skillful freelancers.
Feel free to send us cv, reel, portfolio.

(please small file or links)

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